輪盤高手攻略 : 馬丁蓋爾策略(Martingale Strategy)
1. 簡單易行:馬丁蓋爾策略非常簡單,新手玩家也能夠輕松理解和應用。
2. 可能回本:如果玩家持續翻倍下注,最終他們可能會贏回之前的損失,並贏得一個賭注。
1. 需要足夠的資本:如果玩家連續輸掉多輪,他們可能需要大量的資本來繼續翻倍下注,這可能會超出他們的資金限制。
2. 沒有保證贏利:雖然馬丁蓋爾策略可能幫助玩家贏回之前的損失,但它並不保證長期贏利。如果連續輸掉多輪,損失可能會快速增加。
3. 賭場限制:一些賭場有下注限制,可能會限制玩家繼續翻倍下注,從而破壞了策略。
拉博利策略(Labouchere Strategy)
The Labouchère system, also called the cancellation system or split martingale, is a gambling strategy used in roulette. The user of such a strategy decides before playing how much money they want to win, and writes down a list of positive numbers that sum to the predetermined amount. With each bet, the player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and last numbers on the list. If only one number remains, that number is the amount of the stake.
If the bet is successful, the two amounts are removed from the list. If the bet is unsuccessful, the amount lost is appended to the end of the list. This process continues until either the list is completely crossed out, at which point the desired amount of money has been won, or until the player runs out of money to wager. The system is named for British politician and journalist Henry Labouchère, who originally devised the strategy. (資料來源)
1. 適度風險:拉博利策略允許玩家在不必冒太大風險的情況下進行賭博,因為他們只下注序列中的一小部分。
2. 自定義下注序列:玩家可以根據自己的風險接受程度制定自己的下注序列,使策略更適合他們的賭博風格。
1. 需要計算:拉博利策略需要玩家不斷計算下注金額,這可能對一些人來說過於繁瑣。
2. 沒有保證贏利:與馬丁蓋爾策略一樣,拉博利策略也不能保證長期贏利。如果連續輸掉多輪,損失仍然可能快速增加。
The theory behind this Labouchère system is that, because the player is crossing two numbers off of the list (win) for every number added (loss) the player can complete the list, (crossing out all numbers) thereby winning the desired amount even though the player does not need to win as much as expected for this to occur.
The Labouchère System is meant to be applied to even money Roulette propositions such as Even/Odd, Red/Black or 1–18/19–36. When any of these bets are made in the game of Roulette, a spin resulting in a “0” or “00” results in a loss, so even though the payout is even money, the odds are clearly not 50/50. The Labouchère System attempts to offset these odds. (資料來源)
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