拉部規則(La Partage Rule):增加贏利機會
「拉部規則」,又稱為「拉皮部規則」或「拉倒規則」,是法式輪盤的一個獨特特點,絕對是玩家不容錯過的亮點!這個規則涉及到賭注選擇「部」(Partage),部代表著輪盤上的一個特定數字範圍。當球停在「部」上時,根據拉部規則,玩家將獲得額外的優惠。 舉個例子來解釋,假設你正在玩法式輪盤,選擇了「部9-18」這個下注選項。這代表你在下注的是輪盤上9到18之間的數字。若球停在這個區間內,根據拉部規則,你將獲得一半的賭注回報,提升你在遊戲中贏得的機會!
Literally translating into ‘the divide’, La Partage rules are only ever on offer to even money bets. That is to say, if you bet on a specific number, for example, then you won’t be able to take advantage of La Partage if it’s offered in your casino of choice. Instead, it is only for bets on Red or Black, Odd or Even or 1-18 / 19-36, sometimes referred to as Low or High. If you’ve bet on one of those and the ball lands in the zero slot at the end of its spin then it is possible that you’ll be able to take advantage of La Partage. (資料來源)
監獄規則(En Prison Rule):反轉局面的機會
讓我們接著來看看另一種法式輪盤的獨特規則:「監獄規則」(En Prison Rule)。當你在法式輪盤下注在1:1的選項上,如紅色/黑色、單數/雙數或大數/小數,且球停在0上時,根據「監獄規則」,你的下注金額並不會立即失去! 這意味著你不會立刻輸掉你已下注的金額,而是進入「監獄」(En Prison),下一輪的輪盤將決定你的賭注命運。
如果下一輪的結果是你贏了,你的賭注將被釋放,不會被扣除。不過,如果你在下一輪中仍輸掉,你的賭注將完全失去。 因此,在法式輪盤中,「監獄規則」給予玩家一個額外的機會,讓你在賭注輸掉的情況下,有機會扭轉局勢,重新贏回你的賭注。
There is a twist to the La Partage rules, known as En Prison. Sometimes En Prison rules are offered as an alternative to La Partage and sometimes they’re offered instead of La Partage. Regardless, they are part of the same family but work slightly differently. It is helpful to know how En Prison rules work, in case you’re in a casino where they are the only ones that are offered to you when playing French roulette. As with La Partage, En Prison rules are only available on even money bets when the ball lands in zero. (資料來源)
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